Data Center Setup

by Villa-Tech

Cloud — Data Center Setup

The Snapshot

Many organizations require the need to move physical data center assets from one location to another. Whether this is within the same data center or across geographical locations, these services require meticulous attention to detail. With Villa-Tech’s tested method of capturing data and building trusted matrices, a data center snapshot is created so that moving physical assets to their new location is able to be done in a calculated, smooth fashion.



Collaboration and teamwork are key components Villa-Tech delivers in the migration strategy. Through detailed analysis and close communication with leaders in each facet of the migration, Villa-Tech ensures that assets are not only transported safely, but also minimizes downtime to bring the business back online quickly. Once an approved plan is in place, a dedicated team ensures the successful delivery of the data center assets.

Core Benefits Of Data Center Setup

by Villa-Tech


Provide current environment snapshot to confirm existing assets and to build the layout plan for the new data center location.

Asset Identification

Take advantage of labelling with our system for identification of physical assets before, during, and after data center migration.


We make close measurements of assets and components such as rack power, layout, and server lifts to ensure smooth transition.